Story Night + Potluck Series
"The shortest distance between two people is a story."
...And that's the motivation behind our story night + potluck series! After sharing a hearty meal with food brought by the participants, Paula Junn will lead us through a series of short exercises to help us craft a story from our life, and then we'll each share our story. Feeling shy? Don't worry, nobody will judge you. We're coming together to hear from each other, whatever comes out. The theme for the upcoming story night + potluck is TBA Some other themes that have been used are: - "Oops" - "Transported" - "Present" - "Learn the hard way" - "Stupid Cupid" - "Roommate Stories" - "Where I'm from" Let's share our experiences through stories! The stories don't have to be funny at all, so no pressure there. Please share in the comments what you'd like to bring to the potluck. We're looking forward to seeing *and* hearing you! |